乾楼 The watchtower

大同南城墙关城 The barbican at the south section of Datong City Wall

大同明代城砖 Bricks of Datong City Wall made in the Ming Dynasty

大同城墙遗址陈列馆 Exhibition Hall of the ruins of Datong City Wall

大同城墙夜景 The night view of Datong City Wall

大同城墙秋色 The autumn scenery at Datong City Wall

大同城墙南城墙 The south section of Datong City Wall

大同城墙角楼 The corner tower of Datong City Wall

大同城墙和阳门城楼 Heyang Gate Tower of Datong City Wall

大同城墙东南角 The southeast corner of Datong City Wall